Why is St. Catherine so Beloved?


Why is St. Catherine so Beloved?

Smoke also covered the city of Alexandria, three centuries later – not of truth this time, but of the deceit of idol worship. It was on this day, when the burning and noise of animal sacrifice filled the air with lies, that Saint Catherine the Great Martyr and Bride of Christ chose to sacrifice herself, together with every blessing this world could offer, to the Truth of Christ. Read more...


The Nativity of the All Holy Theotokos  –  Connecting the Old and New Testaments


The Nativity of the All Holy Theotokos – Connecting the Old and New Testaments

From a Presentation by Fr. Justin of Sinai “An Ark in the Wilderness,”* that includes his beautiful description of the Sinai Icon of the Theotokos with Christ Child Enthroned, with the Prophets and Saints surrounding her, thus connecting the Old Testament with the New, in paying homage to the Virgin and her foremost role in the Mystery of the Salvation of humanity, alongside her Divine Son. Read more…


FMSM Third Year Report

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FMSM Third Year Report

As we approach the Nativity and the third anniversary of the launch of FMSM, I would like to convey the heartfelt appreciation that the Fathers of St. Catherine's have often expressed for all who have been so kind to send donations. Read more....

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Nativity of the Theotokos, 2017


Nativity of the Theotokos, 2017

"Your nativity, O Theotokos, announced joy to all the world!"

Heavenly and earthly paradise share a single reality in this 16th century icon from St. Catherine’s. Euphoria at the birth of the Theotokos reaches from the spiritual realm into the earthly, for the ladder envisioned by Jacob now reaches from earth into heaven.  Read more... 


‘Who do <i>you</i> say I am?’


‘Who do you say I am?’

...Archbishop Damianos of Sinai has pointed out that the manifestation of the Holy Trinity at the Transfiguration was foreshadowed by the earlier theophany on Mount Sinai, where the voice of God, the light of the Sun of Righteousness, and the cloud of the Holy Spirit were all similarly present. Read more....


Progress Update


Progress Update

Dear Friends of Mount Sinai Monastery, Several people have asked how things are going at St. Catherine's, so we wanted to pass along this update on their work and the status of visitors. Read more... 
